I could never draw worth a shit, so I learned to cook steak

Given that I eat more red meat than most three people put together, I’ve gotten pretty good at it.
I was your typical grillmaster type guy, eschewing the crafts of the kitchen in favor of the open fire and the grill grate.
Right up until I moved to Chicago in January.
No grill meant I had to adapt, or starve my red meat addiction. So to cast iron I turned.
And I have never looked back. The fruits of your labors in a searing skillet outpace the greatest grillmasters by leaps and bounds, and making better steaks that Ruth’s Chris is a daily occurrence in my kitchen, and it can be in yours too.
So come with me on my own learning journey, and together we’ll get better and better at clogging our arteries 😉
Get Stoked for the Steak.